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Fun calligraphy discovering curiosities of the world

Have fun practicing calligraphy while you discover strange things from around the world. Reading comprehension. Write and have fun!

The teaching goal is met as the student works their way through the activities, which have been designed to inspire and motivate them so they have fun learning.

Nº Pages: 84 páginas. (210x279 mm)

Also available in Curiosidades (ES)Curious Facts (US)

21,95 €

Reading comprehension, knowledge of the environment, development of... and above all, have fun.

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Curiosity is the basis of talent development. How can we stimulate it in the development of learning?

The normal process according to experts is as follows: First we find something that catches our attention both intentionally and casually and we become interested in it. At this moment, the innate curiosity that we all have within us will lead us to seek more information on that specific topic, sharing this knowledge with the people around us. And finally, we can delve deeper into this field, developing a series of specific skills.

Consider how things are, why they are a certain way, know how they are made, how they are built, what they are like inside. They are questions that every child asks when disassembling a toy and they are questions that, even as adults, we continue to ask ourselves.

The CURIOSITIES collection tries to answer all these questions about the world around us: the origin of food, body parts, animals and plants, the planet on which We live, famous people in history, the universe.

Curiosity is one of the innate characteristics of human beings and a very motivating factor to acquire knowledge. The CURIOSITIES collection is made up of a series of curious facts posed with questions with three different options. First of all, through reading comprehension we must understand the question well, review the outlines of the possible answers, each one more curious, and mark the one we believe is correct. In this way we work on both reading and knowledge of the environment.

If you are curious, you will learn faster and better. If you continue to develop your curiosity, you will have an interest in many disciplines and topics. It will improve your attention and memory. You will better understand the world around you and the people you interact with. You will face your problems better. You will ask many questions without fear of ridicule. You will open your mind much more to new challenges and your capacity for adaptability will improve considerably.

All the collections will be translated into as many languages as we can, so you can use them to work on bilingualism or trilingualism with your little ones. If we still do not have the title you want or the language you need, please register and we will notify you when we release new titles.

At the moment you have this book of curiosities available in British (UK) and in Spanish (ES).

Curious facts British Curiosidades Español (ES)

Our calligraphy notebooks serve as review notebooks for vacations, summer periods, Easter, strong>Christmas. As review books in the classroom and for all those people who decide to do Home Schooling. Children no longer want basic calligraphy notebooks, nor do they want to repeat letters or syllables infinitely, they want something for adults and this collection provides it. Adults don't want children's things either and with these books they are very motivating.

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